Welcome back to school! Our first week was last week, and for me – it was an exhausting yet invigorating jolt back! Students are back and excited to see their friends, teachers, and yes – even to learn! Now, the trick is – to keep that excitement going! In various conversations with other professionals, I have noticed the underlying principal of risk-taking. Not just for students, but for teachers as well.
Bear with me for a moment and consider taking a risk with technology. [...]
“Yet another technology tool that I have to use?!” No. This time, the assignment is strictly for you. Well, and the rest of the internet. Tech ed trends often trail the rest of the world. While Web2.0 died in the business and media sectors, it just started in education. Us teachers are still using facebook, while our students are on “the gram.” And now, here we are with the blog. The main difference? [...]
The weather is beautiful, students broke out the shorts and everyone is counting down to the end of the year. How do we keep our students interested? Teachers are not only tasked with prepping for the state test, but also for end-of-year testing. The pressure is on, but where is the time? For a quick way to change things up in your classroom, check out these websites! Let us know what works best for you! [...]
When planning collaborative assignments, think about the focus of the lesson? Is the focus on engaging every student? Often, the focus strays from student engagement to ensuring every student completes their share of work. Students end up splitting up the work, going their own ways, and submitting the project. Fortunately, with tools like Planbook Plus [...]