Welcome back to school! Our first week was last week, and for me – it was an exhausting yet invigorating jolt back! Students are back and excited to see their friends, teachers, and yes – even to learn! Now, the trick is – to keep that excitement going! In various conversations with other professionals, I have noticed the underlying principal of risk-taking. Not just for students, but for teachers as well.
Bear with me for a moment and consider taking a risk with technology. [...]
The weather is beautiful, students broke out the shorts and everyone is counting down to the end of the year. How do we keep our students interested? Teachers are not only tasked with prepping for the state test, but also for end-of-year testing. The pressure is on, but where is the time? For a quick way to change things up in your classroom, check out these websites! Let us know what works best for you! [...]
Successful instruction demands the invested and active participation of both students and teachers. One of our primary goals as teachers is to avoid classrooms where students feel bored, dispassionate and effectively disengaged. A lack of student engagement is easy to see because we’ve all experienced it before. Doodling in notebooks, passing notes (or now texts) and the tried and true disengaging method of aimlessly staring out windows. As fellow educators could tell you, nothing is more deflating than a class of disinterested students. [...]