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It’s the Most Unproductive Time of the Year!

Depending on the calendar year, the time from Thanksgiving and Christmas Day can be between 27 and 33 days. There are still two weeks between now and the holiday break. As a teacher, you cannot afford to lose these days to distractions. How then do you keep students focused during the most wonderful, and unproductive, time of the year?

Educators using Planbook Plus will find that preparing your lessons before the mad rush of the holiday season starts is a great way to keep a classroom productive in the face of the overwhelming outside noise. With that in mind here are some tips to ensure that you, the educator, can still do your job without playing Scrooge to your students’ excitement!

4 Ways to Keep Students Focused During the Holidays

From writer Christopher Piehler, teachers should embrace the distractions as they come! You’re not going to stop the holiday party season. Instead, turn the event into an opportunity to learn!

Managing Classroom Distractions

Student and faculty’s Christmas jitters will cut away from overall school time; it’s about minimizing the lost time without cutting into the holiday spirit! Give students a deal: they get to move around and socialize before and after the lesson, in exchange you get their attention during the class.

20 Ways to Keep Students’ Attention

Rachel Lynette offers some tips, even more helpful during the restless holiday season, for those teachers in the Kindergarten and Elementary fields trying to retain their students’ attention and focus.