Have you heard? School districts around the country are going 1:1! Are you ready? Of course you are! The times of projecting powerpoint slides on the front board are over. Interactive boards are no longer the next new thing. “Put your phones away” is a saying considered unacceptable in some parts. You’ve made it through all of these movements. As times change, we must adjust. Contrary to popular beliefs, while the tools we use have changed, the way we deliver our instruction has not. [...]
Welcome back to school! Our first week was last week, and for me – it was an exhausting yet invigorating jolt back! Students are back and excited to see their friends, teachers, and yes – even to learn! Now, the trick is – to keep that excitement going! In various conversations with other professionals, I have noticed the underlying principal of risk-taking. Not just for students, but for teachers as well.
Bear with me for a moment and consider taking a risk with technology. [...]
If you’re like most teachers, you’re heavily invested in your teaching prowess, and want your district to value you for all you can do. Your evaluations are a great time to demonstrate your skills to an audience, but that means some serious prep work. Here are 13 tips to help you pass with flying colors. [...]